Welcome to My New Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I’m passionate about learning and sharing new and integrative approaches for good health, helping people understand life stressors, and living my best life. Like most people, I’ve had some challenges on the way

I cover topics ranging from general health news to analysis from the field of hypnosis to a variety of try-this-at-home activities. Curious about discovering ways to improve your mental, physical, and emotional health? Then, read on!

Last year, while we were all adjusting to COVID-19’s interference in almost every aspect of our lives, I found myself becoming more philosophical. Recently, I found myself on Amazon ordering a variety of books to expand my understanding of human nature in all of its diversity.

Because I was on a roll, I also searched for some wall art for my office. And while I have only read a fraction of the books I ordered, all the wall art is up. I find the inspiring words and illustrations enhance the office environment. Use the side arrows below to scroll through six images.

When new clients first meet me, they look skeptical when I talk about “easy” ways to de-stress. But after a few seasons, most of these clients no longer doubt my words.

I take stress very seriously. Did you know that stress is the #1 factor that leads to the majority of illnesses? Illnesses like: autoimmune disease, gut (IBS and leaky) problems, high blood pressure, poor sleep, depression and anxiety, chronic pain, and the list goes on. My hypnosis practice specializes in reducing the effects of negative stress. And of course, you should always discuss medical concerns with your doctor. I regularly work with doctors to provide a team approach for wellness.

How else can one relieve everyday stress? A massage can certainly help. Yet, there are so many other alternatives that are free or not-too-expensive. Coming soon, I’m covering the “Seven Rules of Life” series on how to recognize stress, how to reduce stress, and improve health at home.

Look here for new posts each Tuesday, or subscribe to have them delivered to your inbox. Constructive comments from subscribers are welcome; I enjoy hearing what you think about the topics I cover.



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Using Manners to Reduce Stress

June 1, 2021|Comments Off on Using Manners to Reduce Stress

Manners Matter (MM) My son grew up hearing this phrase, which I sometimes shortened to "MM," as a gentle reminder. Similarly, [...]

Is Public Speaking Worse Than Death?

May 18, 2021|Comments Off on Is Public Speaking Worse Than Death?

“Congratulations! You’ve been selected to speak at this year’s conference!” If you received this announcement, how would you feel? Excited? Happy? [...]

  • Brain Benefits from Music

Brain Benefits From Music

May 4, 2021|Comments Off on Brain Benefits From Music

Getting Older I’m getting older, and that’s a good thing, considering the alternative. Reading articles about the aging brain makes me wonder [...]

It’s Spring!

April 13, 2021|Comments Off on It’s Spring!

It’s Spring! I love this time of year when the earth is re-awakening from the winter cold. The sun stays up longer, [...]

Welcome to My Blog

March 23, 2021|Comments Off on Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to My New Blog! Welcome to my blog! I’m passionate about learning and sharing new and integrative approaches for good [...]

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