It’s Spring!

I love this time of year when the earth is re-awakening from the winter cold. The sun stays up longer, the temperatures are getting warmer, and trees are budding and blooming. Early spring reminds me of New Year’s Eve: It’s a new start, and we can push the reset button!

About a month ago, I decided to restart my goals of improving my metabolic health, getting outside more to explore, and releasing stress.

Improving Metabolic Health

I’ve embarked on the IF plan…you know, Intermittent Fasting (IF) eating plan. As I was researching it, I realized that that is exactly what I had been doing—about 25 years ago! I often get so caught up in an activity that conventional mealtimes pass by.

IF is supposed to help lower weight, blood pressure, and blood glucose. We’ll see what my next blood test results reveal.

Also, I’ve become a fan (and subscriber) of YouTube’s Dr. Ekberg’s channel. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Getting Outside More

I am now my own lawn service.

And it’s the whole enchilada: mowing, weeding, trimming shrubs, weeding, fertilizing, sweeping… did I mention weeding?

I don’t have a large lawn, but I realized mowing the lawn (and raking up the old fall leaves) saves money and brings me closer to that magical 10,000-step daily goal. When I spread out the chores over the week, it’s both easy and enjoyable. I’ve ordered some plants and look forward to sinking my hands in the soil as I dig holes.

Do you do these types of activities outside? Let me know what you do.

Releasing Stress

Okay, I’ll admit I really have to work on this one…all the time.

For example, just this week: my water heater suddenly died, the HVAC guy said the dual capacitor needed to be replaced if I wanted the air conditioner to work this summer, my elderly father (who lives with me) developed a serious wound that needs regular attention, and I’m still waiting (16 months so far) to get answers from the Veterans Administration.

I channeled that frustration into additional walks, breathing exercises, yard work, finding weeds, and taking photos of the plants that must also be going through a lot of stress in order to burst into flower.

And I’ll admit that it was also helpful that one of my clients this week had a big win in meeting her goal.

Looking out at the blue skies, bright sunshine, and light breeze tussling the baby leaves on the trees, I feel so good, like I’m getting ready to burst out in flower myself! And no, I’m not looking through rose-colored glasses; I know there will be more things that will break around the house which will challenge my checking account, lively ‘discussions’ with my son, and new weeds that will defiantly pop up as if to taunt me.

Okay, bring it on!

I’m reawakening my sense of ability, and adventure, and love of life. Tell me, what do you do to be re-awakened and re-energized?



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