Essential Notes Blog

Acupuncture: Healing Without Dreaded Side Effects
East vs. West It’s hard to watch TV and not come across an advertisement of pharmaceutical companies touting products. Have you noticed the smiling and laughing faces as a scary list of side effects are read quickly? As children, many of us are taught that the only [...]
Using Manners to Reduce Stress
Manners Matter (MM) My son grew up hearing this phrase, which I sometimes shortened to "MM," as a gentle reminder. Similarly, my Mom would remind me to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to helpful shopkeepers and friends' parents who hosted birthday parties. And I always minded my [...]
Adding Mind-Body (Integrative) Approaches for Better Health
Dental Fears Several months ago, a person called asking if hypnosis could help with "dental fears." My mind raced, wondering what fears he had? The sound of the drill? Office smells? Fear of choking? When we met, he said: "I can't stand being in the dental chair. [...]
Is Public Speaking Worse Than Death?
“Congratulations! You’ve been selected to speak at this year’s conference!” If you received this announcement, how would you feel? Excited? Happy? Nervous? Nonchalant? Just the idea of making a presentation throws many people into a panic. Regardless of how well you may know the topic (you may [...]
Rule 3: Time Heals Almost Everything…Give It Time
Just imagine... John walks into a bank and notices things look different. A moment later, he’s roughly shoved against the wall. He hears a gunshot and smells the gunpowder. He looks up to see a person running out the door. Jim walks out of the coffee shop when [...]
Brain Benefits From Music
Getting Older I’m getting older, and that’s a good thing, considering the alternative. Reading articles about the aging brain makes me wonder what my future brain health holds. I mean, I am in the mind-body business, and I want to keep both strong and active. And helping my [...]