East vs. West
It’s hard to watch TV and not come across an advertisement of pharmaceutical companies touting products. Have you noticed the smiling and laughing faces as a scary list of side effects are read quickly?
As children, many of us are taught that the only “true” approach to healing is Western medicine. The assumption is that modern medicine is proven by science; everything else is not. Over the years, that assumption has been proven false.
While I appreciate and benefit from Western medicine, I also use other healing methods.
For example, acupuncture, a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has thrived for over 5000 years! Few things stand the test of time unless it’s effective. And while you may hesitate at the thought of having thin needles inserted into your skin, I’ve found it painless, and the results are so worth it!
Full Disclosure
Over the years, I’ve used acupuncture to heal after an auto accident. Again, after ankle surgery, to reduce the inflammation. And another time to treat a Morton’s neuroma (nerve pain).
I had the opportunity to talk with a local acupuncturist (and friend) Dr. Hanna Schmittat, and I want to share what I learned.
I admit it, I am biased toward Dr. Schmittat. She and I shared an office when I first started my hypnosis practice. Dr. Schmittat is very considerate when placing needles – I never had any discomfort when she worked on me, and I believe she’s a gifted healer.
Q & A with Dr. Schmittat
Marilyn: How does acupuncture work, and how long until you see results?
Dr. Schmittat: Acupuncture works by stimulating the flow of circulation, balancing the flow of energy in your body, and changing the messaging pattern that travels between the body and the brain. Acute (newer) conditions generally respond quickly to treatment. Chronic problems may respond slower.
Marilyn: What does acupuncture treat?
Dr. Schmittat: Acupuncture is a system of medicine that helps with a wide range of health concerns, including pain relief, improving sleep hormone balancing, hyperthyroidism, PMS, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, anxiety, depression, fatigue, digestive issues (IBS, Crohn’s), etc. I frequently see the most satisfying changes in those experiencing pain.
Marilyn: How does acupuncture feel?
Dr. Schmittat: Most first-time acupuncture patients are happily surprised and say, “Oh wow! That was it? I didn’t even feel that one!” Others say it’s like a mosquito bite. It really does depend on each individual’s sensitivity levels and which areas of the body are needled.
Marilyn: What should I look for in an acupuncturist?
Dr. Schmittat: First, make sure acupuncturist has their state license and are designated LAc. They should have completed 3-4 years of an Acupuncture Masters Degree. A consultation will help you decide if their personality and style match what you are looking for.
Marilyn: What is the coolest thing you’ve experienced as an acupuncturist?
Dr. Schmittat: I have seen some amazing results! One patient came in using crutches and, after that treatment, walked out without them. Then, there was a patient who regained motion on the side of the face that stopped moving after a Bells Palsy attack.
Closing Notes
If you’re interested in more information or healing a health issue, give Dr. Schmittat a call. Easily schedule a free 15-minute consult by calling 434-879-1332 or schedule directly on her calendar. You’ll be happy you did.
