Service Area: Trauma
Havening, Hypnosis & BLAST End Unwanted Thoughts & Feelings
Are You Living with the Effects of Trauma?
Living with trauma can feel like you’re walking in a minefield. Never exactly sure when something will trigger that reaction and those feelings…again.

The BLAST Technique® was developed in the United Kingdom by Nick Davies. It helps people process and release a traumatic event so the physical or emotional response is reduced or eliminated.
No drug or therapy treatment is 100% effective, but the BLAST Technique® has an impressive track record helping people around the world.
The Reality
Any event can cause trauma, and those events can come from family, friends, work, school, an accident, or illness. Horrific events from a deployment, September 11, 2001, and COVID are just a few examples of typical traumatic events. Memories of physical assaults or emotional/mental abuse, if not resolved, can follow us like a shadow, and the pictures, sounds, smells, and words repeat over and over and over.
Good News
There is a gentle and effective way of letting those memories go, letting them fade away. Imagine what your life would be like being free, really free from those memories. Contact Marilyn to learn more if you’re ready to let them go.
The mind has natural mechanisms for dealing with shock/trauma; however, sometimes, it gets stuck when trying to “get over” the event(s). Stuck people are often confused or frustrated why they can’t just use willpower to move forward. Well-meaning but uninformed friends may suggest you “forget about it,” which is often impossible and really not helpful.
There is help.
All certified BLAST Technique practitioners are registered and have a unique registration number. Essential Health & Hypnosis therapist, Marilyn Kopasz, is registered as a certified BLAST practitioner. Her number is ABL18168.