About Energy Psychology
Humans Are Energy Beings
Electrical Signals Run through and throughout our Bodies
For centuries, acupuncture has been used to heal people by moving the natural energy in your body. There are specific points that energy naturally flows. One technique is called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and it is similar to acupuncture, but no needles are used.
In practice, EFT most resembles acupressure; the patient learns to use gentle tapping and hand movement techniques to allow a natural flow of energy throughout the body.
Chakra points are related to the acupuncture points, but are different. Let me explain. “Chakra” translates to “disk” or “wheel” of energy centers in the body and each center correspond to certain physical aspects in the body and emotions. There are 7 main chakra wheels in the body.
To stay at your healthiest and happiness, all chakras should be open and balanced. Current or past physical or emotional issues can block a chakra a result in various symptoms.
The Results Are Remarkable.
At Essential Health & Hypnosis, clients are taught energy psychology movements. EFT is relatively straightforward to learn and usually results in a huge range of benefits for those who take the time to use and master them, so that they can easily do the techniques at home, in the office, or on vacation!
Chakra balancing is more nuanced but can have a bold effect on a person. Every client has commented that they sensed a different there in the office
Do you need help? Energy Psychology may be the answer.
- Reduce negative emotions, such as long-term trauma, anger, or grief.
- Help motivate and implement goals.
- Release negative or toxic thoughts and emotions.